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Read an exclusive excerpt from Worship the Body

Told from different but interlocking points of view, Worship the Body is a story that becomes a song complete with recurring refrains and a coda, intimating that there are silences to the body that are essential to our understanding of happiness. Read an excerpt below.  


Indeed, in restaurants like this, Jaime had never seen a table for one. Places like this never allow any accidents to happen. All the movements of the employees are measured. From the guard who would open the door for him, to the head waiter who would direct him to his table, to the waiter who would attend to him. And so, it took a while for the accident to happen. He gave his order after taking his time perusing the menu, even though he had already decided he would only have a drink. He thought slowly, with the menu before him, as though he was waiting for he knew not what. Finally, the beer arrived and it was set in front of him. That was when he thought he needed a glass. He wouldn’t drink the beer right out of the bottle. He wanted a ritual that evening. 

He wasn’t looking to get drunk. He couldn’t get wasted because he was going to drive home. So, he asked for a glass. There was a ritual to the pouring of beer into the glass. Not like just quaffing it from the bottle. 

That was when the accident happened. No glass shattered. No one slipped on the floor. No one threw up. No one choked. His eyes and the waiter’s met. Just like that. In that orderly restaurant that didn’t allow accidents, Jun’s and Jamie’s eyes met when Jun set before him the glass with ice in it because Jamie wanted a ritual that evening. He didn’t expect that someone would join him in his ritual in that restaurant that had no table for one. That was when Jaime understood that around him, it had become rare for people to look each other in the eye. 


Hidden within a network of intimate relationships, Jaime, Jun, Ria, and Maya try to forge an extraordinary family in urban Manila, as they discover that secrets also have their own joys. Get a copy to read their stories.  



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