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Happiness in relationships and at work

Rudolf Beger
Sara Wong
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Paperback / Hardback

#HAPPYxCOOL is not one of the usual guidebooks that pretends to know the ultimate way to happiness. The work is not fixated on the personal gathering of as many feelings of happiness as possible and does not deal with happiness or the way to happiness per se. In contrast to the conventional guidebook literature, the authors rather concentrate pragmatically on the many subjective and objective obstacles that usually stand in the way of happiness. They want to motivate and assist the reader to work actively and pro-actively on themselves.
In #HAPPYxCOOL the authors don’t shy away from discussing many unconventional topics such as the important issue of sexuality and happiness, adultery, bad or no sex, or a partner’s obsession with pornographic movies. In a separate section, another influential aspects is discussed in some detail: the conditions at a person’s workplace. This includes, amongst others, career unhappiness, unhappiness caused by toxic co-workers or a disliked boss, excessive work burden, a lack of recognition and being underpaid.
The authors give great importance to the “freedom of mind” and the concept of “being cool”, thus inspiring the reader to free themselves from the constraints of happiness in a way that could be called “cool”.

Published: Apr/2021

ISBN: 9789814914956

Length: 304 Pages


Happiness in relationships and at work

Rudolf Beger
Sara Wong

#HAPPYxCOOL is not one of the usual guidebooks that pretends to know the ultimate way to happiness. The work is not fixated on the personal gathering of as many feelings of happiness as possible and does not deal with happiness or the way to happiness per se. In contrast to the conventional guidebook literature, the authors rather concentrate pragmatically on the many subjective and objective obstacles that usually stand in the way of happiness. They want to motivate and assist the reader to work actively and pro-actively on themselves.
In #HAPPYxCOOL the authors don’t shy away from discussing many unconventional topics such as the important issue of sexuality and happiness, adultery, bad or no sex, or a partner’s obsession with pornographic movies. In a separate section, another influential aspects is discussed in some detail: the conditions at a person’s workplace. This includes, amongst others, career unhappiness, unhappiness caused by toxic co-workers or a disliked boss, excessive work burden, a lack of recognition and being underpaid.
The authors give great importance to the “freedom of mind” and the concept of “being cool”, thus inspiring the reader to free themselves from the constraints of happiness in a way that could be called “cool”.

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Paperback / Hardback

Rudolf Beger

Rudolf Beger is a German national, is a former chairman of trend-setting conferences at Management Centre Europe (Brussels) and Zentrum für Unternehmensführung (Zurich) and a speaker at industry conferences (Financial Times, UK Celebrity Speakers, pp). Rudolf wrote standard-setting books on corporate communication (in German (Gabler Verlag, 1989), and in English: Present-Day Corporate Communication,, 2018); he is also the author of a romantic novel entitled Dreisam, published by Fouquet's Literatur-Verlag (out of business), 2003 (currently translated into English for publication). In 2020, Rudolf will complete a highly topical 450-pages political thriller entitled The Lobbyist on the automotive industry (for publication). Rudolf wrote numerous articles, papers and White Papers on EU industrial policy, and was a writer for German antique magazines. His artistic works were shown in ca. 40 solo- and group exhibitions all over the world. In 2011, he won the 1st Prize for his artistic work by the Monaco State Ministry/UNESCO.

Sara Wong

Saraphun Wongngernyuang is a Thai national, is an enthusiastic lifelong learner about happiness. She has experience in the practice of Buddhism and Christianity since her youth and continues to learn about the philosophy of happiness from various sources, including New Age, Taoism, Zen Buddhism and Confucius. For seven years she has been studying and training the subject of happiness at the Institute for the Study of Human Happiness
(Happy Science). Occasionally she speaks on the topics of self-development and happiness in public lectures and seminars organized by the Institute, namely "Tips for Happiness", "Creating the Best Couple Relationships", "Zen Self-Reflection" and "The Noble Eightfold Path". In 2019 she translated a self-help book entitled Tips to Find Happiness by the Japanese author Ryuho Okawa, IRH Press Publisher, from English into Thai. She writes and has editorial experience with culinary and restaurant reviews on a restaurant review website Top25restaurants ( Sara published an academic research paper on the preservation of Western (Portuguese) Catholicism in Thailand, entitled "The Virgin Mary in the Encounter of Cultures: Preserving Transcultural Heritage in the Immaculate Conception Community, Bangkok", published in a book entitled Preserving Transcultural Heritage: Your Way or My Way, Caleidoscópio, University of Lisbon, Portugal (2018).