Inspired by a true story, Showers of Luck follows the life of two characters, Lily and Khalid. Lily is a hard-working young nyonya who stays with a distant aunt’s family, following the advice of a fortune-teller that she should be given away after birth. She develops a crush on her handsome Muslim neighbour, Khalid, who is trying to fulfil his filial duties to his estranged parents and to do his best for the upcoming Senior Cambridge Examinations.
Spanning a period of two years in pre-war Singapore, against the backdrop of a world preparing to go to war, Lily and Khalid’s paths intersect time and again. Consumed by their desires, the couple navigate societal judgment and challenge familial expectations in a brave attempt to start a new life together.
Published: Nov/2022
ISBN: 9789815017977
Length: 280 Pages