This series acts as an assiduous explorer, unearthing colossal cultural treasures. The ten typical Chinese folktales selected vividly present classic and ancient Chinese culture. The series is a must-read for all children.
The unique Chinese-style illustrations will engage children and the stories will instill wise oriental philosophies of life such as diligence, courage and kindness.
The books were written and illustrated by award-winning authors and artists. The team has won awards such as Feng Zikai Chinese Childen’s Picture Book Award, Hsin Yi Picture Book Award, Bingxin Children’s Literature Award and Hong Kong Youth Literary Awards. The series was reviewed by consultant Dr Wang Jing, a professor of children’s literature at Shanghai Normal University and a student of Mei Zihan, a renowned author of Chinese children’s literature.
The Legend of the Lady White, an ancient Chinese folktale has a great mix of romance, magic, betrayal and action. This folktale revolves around a Buddhist Monk, a snake which takes shape of a beautiful white lady, who was depicted as an evil demon, and Xu Xian, who falls in love with her and has a potential risk of life from the snake. Breaking all barriers, and to an extent the laws of nature, the two fall in love and fight against all odds despite there being a forbidden love.
Published: Jun/2023
ISBN: 9789814914802
Length: 34 Pages