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Chitra Sankaran (PhD London), has served as (acting) Head of Department and as Chair of Literature, Department of English, Linguistics and Theatre Studies, National University of Singapore. She is the Founding and Current President of the Association for the Study of Literature and Ecology in ASEAN (ASLE-ASEAN) and the Chief Editor of the Journal of Southeast Asian Ecocriticism (JSEAE). Her publications include three monographs, ten edited volumes, chapters-in-books and research articles in International Journals such asInterdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, (ISLE), Journal of Commonwealth Literature, ARIEL, Theatre Research International. Her recent publications include a monograph on Women, Subalterns and Ecologies in South and Southeast Asian Women’s Fiction (University of Georgia Press, USA) and a co-authored volume, Revenge of Gaia: Contemporary Ecofictions from Vietnam (Penguin Random House SEA).