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Read an exclusive excerpt from Shattered Hopes

Shattered Hopes focuses on PH1.0’s rocky 22-months in power to tell the story of how a fledgling Government filled with so much promise and hope, was racked by internal power struggles and politicking even in its very first weeks in power, amid policy paralysis, racial politicking and the ultimate unwillingness of veteran Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad to hand over power to his twice-anointed successor, Anwar Ibrahim.

Read an excerpt an below.


The young cabinet minister knew the much-touted multiracial and reform-minded government of second-time Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad was on the verge of imploding, and he was hoping to convince the powers that be to stop it, to cease fire. At least for the moment. But he knew it would not last.  

On that Sunday, 23 February 2020, the then recently discovered Covid-19 viral threat—it had yet to become the global pandemic that we now know—was seeing Chinese cities in lockdown and thousands of deaths globally. But Malaysians were more focused on the political drama and intrigue playing out in the corridors of power in Putrajaya and Petaling Jaya. This had people enthralled by various rumours of power grabs and new political alliances.  

These strong rumours were boosted by reports claiming the formation of a new Mahathir-led political coalition—wait, wasn’t he leading the current coalition government?—that would exclude the Chinese-led Democratic Action Party (DAP) and former Deputy Premier and opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim’s Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR). And parliamentarians, including the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) lawmakers, had supposedly signed statutory declarations (SDs) in support of Mahathir serving as prime minister until the next general election, instead of passing the baton to Anwar mid-term as had been agreed.  

This would mean the end of the PH1.0 Government and, with it, the dreams and hopes for reform, equality, and justice in the country. 


This book is an explosive expose written by Romen Bose. It’s a first-hand account of Malaysia unraveling into a scandalous tale of power grabs, broken promises, and political chaos. Get your copy to read this gripping book now.  

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